Amilcar Cabral

Amilcar Lopes Cabral was not only the main architect of the independence of Guinea-Bissau and the Cape Verde Islands, but also one of the most important ideologists and politicians of the entire process of decolonization in Africa.

Born in 1924 to Cape Verdean parents in Guinea, then known as Portuguese Guinea, Amilcar Cabral studied in Lisbon and returned to Guinea in 1952. It was during these years that his dissent against the Portuguese regime developed.

After a period spent in Angola, he returned home in 1956 to found an underground party, the PAIGC (African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde); later, he established the FLGCV (Liberation Front of Portuguese Guinea and Cape Verde), open to all political parties, which set the immediate conquest of independence as its goal and which initiated a real conflict with the Portuguese regime.

Cabral died in 1973, assassinated by one of PAIGC members in Conakry; that same year Portuguese Guinea became independent as Guinea Bissau.

He was murdered just when he was about to achieve his lifelong goal: the end of Portuguese colonialism, the conquest of the independence of Guinea and Cape Verde.


Books, articles and in-depth studies by/on Amilcar Cabral

Videos and interviews available on youtube

Amilcar Cabral Guinee Bissau Cap-Vert | 11 November 1969

Radio broadcasts

Amílcar Cabral narrated by Karin Pallaver | RAI Radio 3 - Wikiradio, 20 January 2020